Host Edition

IT Budget: Strengthen Your Security With No Additional Investment

December 18, 2015 by · Leave a Comment 

Data breaches are becoming regular news – from mid-sized businesses to large enterprises, everybody is taking some hit. Your company may be small, even a small family business but you are not safe either. From one person shops to large enterprises everybody has to keep an eye on the security issues. Security does not need to come with a large price. It is not always the case that the dedicated, expensive equipment is the solution to all your security needs. In fact, the situation is just the opposite in many cases. Let’s see how you can increase your security with little to no investment

See more here: 
IT Budget: Strengthen Your Security With No Additional Investment


IT Budget: Pinch Pennies Without Hurting Operations

December 11, 2015 by · Leave a Comment 

Expected or not, as an IT manager, you may come into a situation where you have to cut your budget or put your staff – or maybe yourself – at a layoff risk. The catch is to make the budget cuts without hurting the operations. To say, this is the choking point. Of course, such a situation will come with dire consequences. Your IT department will go a few years back while the company moves forward. The gap between the next years IT requirements and next year’s infrastructure will be wider than today; and everybody should know that. To be frank, there are still some decisions you can take to pinch pennies.

Read the original post: 
IT Budget: Pinch Pennies Without Hurting Operations