Host Edition

Finding The Best Web Hosting Provider

Finding The Best Web Hosting Provider

When it comes to finding the best web hosting for your website it can be quite overwhelming. There are various companies that offer web hosting services, but each has their own pros and cons. Before choosing a company, you will need to know the specific needs of your website. The next step is to do […]

The Potential Election Implications of Trump’s Conviction

Donald Trump’s recent conviction has dramatically altered the political scene, raising many questions about its potential influence on the forthcoming election. As the country comes to terms with this unprecedented event, both major political parties are recalibrating their strategies to address the new realities. Bolstering Trump’s Support Base For Trump’s dedicated supporters, the conviction is […]

How Mobile 4G Internet Gives RV Travelers More Freedom on the Move

Travel enthusiasts and full-time practitioners of the RVer lifestyle can fully appreciate the advantages that RV mobile Internet service providers like UbiFi have to offer. Through the use of 4G cell towers stationed throughout America, RVers can enjoy fast and reliable Internet connection while on the go. Because of mobile Internet’s highly portable nature, RVers […]

Why You Can’t Get Fiber-Optic Internet in Rural America

Fiber-optic Internet has become a popular choice for Internet users all across the country for a variety of reasons. For example, its top download speed is unparalleled. Also, it can handle more users and traffic than other Internet options. Furthermore, its ultra-low latency makes it ideal for highly demanding online gaming sessions. Despite fiber-optic Internet’s […]

Benefits of a Colocation Data Center

There are numerous wonderful advantages that businesses or even individuals who employ colocation data center services may take advantage of. Here are a few of the main advantages of using a quality web hosting provider such as Electric Kitten, who provides colocation hosting in Los Angeles. Lower Costs It is an easy decision when weighing […]

5 Tips for improving your internet speeds while camping

We all know how frustrating it is to have slow internet speeds, especially when we are trying to get some work done. But what about when we are trying to enjoy a relaxing camping trip? When we are in nature, the last thing we want is to be tethered to our devices. However, there are […]

Reasons why your business should shift to Cloud hosting

Cloud hosting has been on the rise since its inception. The improvement to your website performance and business efficiency that comes with Cloud hosting is almost tangible. Cloud hosting provides hosting through a network of virtual servers that are interconnected and scattered throughout the world. This makes it possible for users to access their website from any location without any trouble. In... [Read more]

How Referral Marketing Can Benefit Web Hosts

Even if the niche of web hosts are fully loaded with a lot of companies they are still one of the easiest to promote because you could write your own experience about them. There are also tools like GTMetrix, to help you see how fast and reliable your site is. And for web host businesses your customers usually stick with you unless something bad happens. Referral programs are the best way to promote... [Read more]

Broken Links: How to Find, Fix, and Benefit from Broken Links

Links are what holds the web together. Essentially, the web is named as such because of the ability for pages and sites to link to other sources and relevant information. So, if links are broken, a visitor has no way of moving to the other resource. Not only are broken links bad for a number of reasons, but they frustrate visitors. Imagine finally finding the information you need only to be denied... [Read more]

Broken Links: How to Find, Fix, and Benefit from Broken Links

Links are what holds the web together. Essentially, the web is named as such because of the ability for pages and sites to link to other sources and relevant information. So, if links are broken, a visitor has no way of moving to the other resource. Not only are broken links bad for a number of reasons, but they frustrate visitors. Imagine finally finding the information you need only to be denied... [Read more]

Online Privacy Explained

Privacy is one of those modern issues that is in fact as old as time. In our guide to How the Digital Age is Impacting Our Personal Privacy, we look at this age old problem from a new perspective. That is how our online digital personas, our personally identifying information, and our social identity are becoming a free for all. The guide looks into the entire area of online privacy and how it has... [Read more]